Sedona (March 2022)
Traveling has always been essential for me. It keeps me alive and excited! I usually go on artist retreats but Sedona was different - not everyone was an artist. It was very spiritual and beautiful. How can you go somewhere like that and not realize how big the world is? It was thrilling to sign up for this trip the night before and hop on a plane the next morning. It began this sense of freedom for me. One night we all painted one another! It was exciting and fun because you could write beautiful things about who they are. Everyone just glowed and felt so free.
This painting is inspired by the night we watched the sunset and built a fire with a view of Chapel Rock and the infinite stars. We saw the stars from Orion’s Belt. I want to learn more about the constellations - they are fascinating!
Being here felt different - the sun, the way people look, the color. It felt freer. I have noticed that sense of freedom showing up in my work. We all have that inside of us if we have the right environment to let it out. I have absolute freedom in my paintings but fear to live in that way - there is a balance I am trying to learn with that. The freedom in my paintings is different after this trip, I’m not sure if I like it yet haha! I’m starting to let people into the wild and chaos.
I want to thank Anna Krishtal for planning such a wonderful retreat. She taught me that I have all the answers within me. It brought me back to myself. I want to also thank Grace Pisula for capturing this retreat on camera. She was able to show the magic that was felt at the retreat. Follow @gpthedp on instagram to see more of her work and check out everything Anna has to offer with coaching and retreats on her website or her instagram